Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We're so glad that you've chosen to find out more about Highview Community Church.

If you can imagine a church where creativity and innovation are considered essential, where the arts are celebrated, where grace is the foundational truth and where people who don’t yet know Christ are of paramount importance, then you have begun to know the unique identity that is Highview Community Church.

We are a non-denominational group of seekers and believers who are on a journey together to know God through Jesus Christ.

Our Vision Statement:

Highview Community Church is a missional community of brothers and sisters who seek to become fully devoted followers of Christ, SO THAT we can have a God-sized impact on our collective circle of influence, one life at a time.

This is what propels us into the future. This is what keeps us from becoming satisfied and complacent, reaching ever toward a mission that God has called Highview to accomplish.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. All the law and prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:37-40.

At Highview, one of the ways we have described our journey toward becoming fully devoted followers of Christ is through the acronym SMILE, with the understanding that as we give attention to these characteristics, it will be pleasing to God, making Him SMILE.

Stewardship - The present economic downturn presents and increased challenge in regards to how we steward the financial resources God provides. We want to be wise and frugal AND bold and faithful as we move forward.

Maximization - We believe that God equips each person with spiritual gifts. Thus, we operate as a gift-based, unleashing church - where people are encouraged to discover and engage fully within their temperament, gifts and passions. In doing so, we discover that ordinary people can accomplish the extraordinary!

Intimacy - We strive to provide Sunday morning services that are expressions of engaging intimacy with God that both feeds and is fed by the private times of worship from each follower of Christ. We press into the heart of God, and let His Holy Spirit inspire and change us.

Loving Relationships
- Love is the foundation of our relationship with God, and we strive to make it the foundation of our relationships with one another. We seek to engage one another authentically and appropriately, treating one another with respect and compassion, and speaking the truth to one another in genuine love.

- Lost people matter to God. Highview holds at it's heart the understanding that those not yet convinced of Christ's love and grace are our main priority.

We hope that this has given you a sneak peek into the heart Highview Community Church. If you are interested in any of our church programs, including Sunday Morning Services, Children or Student Ministries - please contact us (contact information on the side bar).

God Bless.

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